Recently I have implemented paging with the Datalist .But according to my client this was not good for SEO purposes and send links to the customer by mail and other ways. So I have done lots of googling and implement paging in following way.
you can check Datalist Paging on following link
I have created a stored procedure that return paged result set.
ALTER Proc [dbo].[DatalistPaging]
@CategoriesString as varchar(5000),
@PageIndex int=0,
@PageSize int=10,
@Sort VARCHAR(100)=''
create table #DataList Paging (Description varchar(200)
,RRP decimal(10,4)
,WebPrice decimal(10,4)
,WebText varchar(200)
,LeadColour varchar(20)
,Prefix varchar(25)
,Gemstone varchar(50)
,CountryName varchar(20)
,CutName varchar(25)
,ShapeName varchar(30)
,Width decimal(6,2)
,[Length] decimal(6,2)
,Depth decimal(6,2)
,Colour varchar(35)
,Clarity varchar(30)
,Grade varchar(5)
,Quantity INT
,Carats decimal(10,4)
,Treatment int
,Calibrated bit
,ProductDetailID int
,ProductCode VARCHAR(10) )
DECLARE @Categories VARCHAR(100)
SET @Categories =RTRIM(LTRIM(@Categories))
INSERT INTO #DataList Paging (Description
,isnull(ProductDetails.WebPrice ,0) WebPrice
,CategoryLeadColour.LeadColourName AS LeadColour
,CategoryGemstoneVariation.Name as Prefix
,TypeStone.TypeName as Gemstone
,ProductDetailGemstone.Depth --(if it is > 0)
,CategoryHue.HueName AS Colour
,ISNULL(CategoryClarity.Name,'') AS Clarity
,ISNULL(CategoryClarity.grade,'') as Grade
FROM ProductDetails
Inner join ProductDetailGemstone on ProductDetails.ProductDetailID=ProductDetailGemstone.ProductDetailId
LEFT JOIN CategoryShape on CategoryShape.ShapeId=Shape
LEFT JOIN CategoryCut on CategoryCut.CutId=Cut
LEFT OUTER JOIN Country On Country.CountryId = ProductDetailGemstone.Country
LEFT OUTER JOIN CategoryClarity ON CategoryClarity.Id = ProductDetailGemstone.Clarity
LEFT OUTER JOIN CategoryTreatment ON CategoryTreatment.Id = ProductDetailGemstone.Treatment
LEFT OUTER JOIN CategoryHue ON CategoryHue.HueId = ProductDetailGemstone.Colour
LEFT JOIN TypeStone on TypeStone.TypeId=ProductDetailGemstone.Gemstone
LEFT JOIN CategoryGemstoneVariation ON
LEFT JOIN CategoryLeadColour ON CategoryLeadColour.LeadColourId=ProductDetails.LeadColour
WHERE CategoryShape.ShapeName =@Categories OR
CategoryCut.CutName = @Categories OR
TypeStone.TypeName = @Categories OR
CategoryGemstoneVariation.Name = @Categories
OR CategoryLeadColour.LeadColourName = @Categories
DECLARE @PageLowerBound int
DECLARE @PageUpperBound int
DECLARE @RowsToReturn int
-- First set the rowcount
SET @RowsToReturn = @PageSize * (@PageIndex + 1)
-- Set the page bounds
SET @PageLowerBound = @PageSize * @PageIndex
SET @PageUpperBound = @PageLowerBound + @PageSize + 1
-- Create a temp table to store the select results
IndexId int IDENTITY (1, 1) NOT NULL,
ProductDetailID int
-- Insert into the temp table
IF @Sort='sorthigh'
INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ProductDetailID)
SELECT ProductDetailID FROM #temp ORDER BY ISNULL(#temp.WebPrice,0) desc --#temp.ProductDetailID
ELSE IF @Sort='sortlow'
INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ProductDetailID)
SELECT ProductDetailID FROM #temp ORDER BY ISNULL(#DataList Paging.WebPrice,0)
INSERT INTO #PageIndex (ProductDetailID)
SELECT ProductDetailID FROM #DataList Paging ORDER BY #DataList Paging.ProductDetailID
SELECT ProductCode,
dbo.RoundCaratsWt(Carats) as Carats
,Convert(decimal(10,2),ISNULL(WebPrice,0)) WebPrice
,CountryName AS Country
,CutName AS Cut
,ShapeName As Shape
,#DataList Paging.ProductDetailID
FROM #DataList Paging , #PageIndex PageIndex
WHERE #DataList Paging.ProductDetailID = PageIndex.ProductDetailID AND PageIndex.IndexID > @PageLowerBound AND PageIndex.IndexID < @PageUpperBound ORDER BY PageIndex.IndexID Declare @NoofRows INT Declare @NoofPages INT Select @NoofRows=COUNT(1) FROM #DataList Paging --SET @NoofPages = @NoofRows/@PageSize +1 return @NoofRows END
Now call this Stored procedure and get Dataset to populate records to datalist Paging in following way:
public DataTable Get_Datalist_Paging (out int intNoofPage) {
string strConn = GlobalDAL.GetConnection();
SqlParameter[] paramsToStore = new SqlParameter[5]; paramsToStore[0] = new SqlParameter("@CategoriesString", SqlDbType.VarChar);
paramsToStore[0].Value = CategoriesString;
paramsToStore[0].Size = 5000;
paramsToStore[1] = new SqlParameter("@PageIndex", SqlDbType.Int);
paramsToStore[1].Value = PageIndex;
paramsToStore[2] = new SqlParameter("@PageSize", SqlDbType.Int);
paramsToStore[2].Value = PageSize;
paramsToStore[3] = new SqlParameter("@Sort", SqlDbType.VarChar);
paramsToStore[3].Value = Sort;
paramsToStore[4] = new SqlParameter("Return_Value", SqlDbType.Int);
paramsToStore[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.ReturnValue; DataSet ds = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataset(strConn, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "Gem_GetProductsFromCategories", paramsToStore);
intNoofPage = Convert.ToInt32(paramsToStore[4].Value);
return ds.Tables[0];
} catch (Exception excp)
throw excp;
Call following method on page_Load event to populate records to datalist Paging --
DataTable objResult = objProducts.Get_Datalist_Paging(out intNoofRows);
public void BindList(DataTable dt)
dlstProductDetail.DataSource = dt;
catch (Exception ex)
dt = null;
private void UpdatePagingText()
if (pageIndex > 1 && pageIndex < intpage1 =" pageIndex" intpage2 =" pageIndex;" intpage3 =" pageIndex" pageindex ="=">= 3)
intPage1 = pageIndex - 2;
intPage2 = pageIndex - 1;
intPage3 = pageIndex;
else if (pageIndex == 1)
intPage1 = 1;
intPage2 = 2;
intPage3 = 3;
lbtn1.Text = intPage1.ToString();
lbtn1Bottom.Text = intPage1.ToString();
lbtn2.Text = intPage2.ToString();
lbtn2Bottom.Text = intPage2.ToString();
lbtn3.Text = intPage3.ToString();
lbtn3Bottom.Text = intPage3.ToString();
lbtn1.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn1.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtn1Bottom.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn1.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtn2.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn2.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtn2Bottom.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn2.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtn3.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn3.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtn3Bottom.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + lbtn3.Text + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
if (pageIndex < navigateurl =" strapplicationurl" navigateurl =" strapplicationurl" pageindex ="=" visible =" false;" visible =" false;"> 1)
lbtnPrev.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + (pageIndex - 1) + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
lbtnPrevBottom.NavigateUrl = strapplicationurl + "Gemstones/" + strCategoryLogo + "/" + (pageIndex - 1) + "/" + strPageSetting + "/" + strPageSorting + "/" + strFilter;
else if (pageIndex == 1)
lbtnPrev.Visible = false;
lbtnPrevBottom.Visible = false;
// ShowPageSettings();
Handling for above navigate url I have created a
HttpModule for url rewrite-
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Web;
namespace GemsCollectorBAL.Categories
class CategoryModule : IHttpModule
public void Init(System.Web.HttpApplication context)
context.BeginRequest += new EventHandler(OnBeginRequest);
private void OnBeginRequest(object sender, EventArgs e)
string strCategrories = string.Empty;
string strPageIndex = string.Empty;
string strPageSetting = string.Empty;
string strSorting = string.Empty;
string strFilter = string.Empty;
int temp = 0;
HttpApplication app;
string requestUrl;
app = sender as HttpApplication;
requestUrl = app.Request.Url.ToString();
strCategrories += "PageIndex=" + strPageIndex + "&";
strCategrories += "PageSetting=" + strPageSetting + "&";
strCategrories += "PageSorting=" + strSorting + "&";
strCategrories += "Filter=" + strFilter ;
String strCurrentPath;
String strCustomPath;
strCurrentPath = app.Request.Path.ToLower();
if (strCurrentPath.IndexOf("/gemstones/") >= 0)
strCustomPath = "~/Categories/CategoryDetails.aspx?" + strCategrories;
// rewrite the URL
public void Dispose()
Register this HttpModule to web.config to Rewrite Url:
<add name="CategoryModule" type="GemsCollectorBAL.Categories.CategoryModule,GemsCollectorBAL"/>
UI Code Looks like in this way for Datalist Paging:
<tr id="trPaging" runat="server">
<td class="topSubMenu">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td style="width: 100px" id="tdPageof" runat="server" enableviewstate="false">
<%=pageIndex %>
<%=Noofpages %>
<td id="tdPaging" runat="server" style="width: 425px">
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnPrev" runat="server" CssClass="topSubMenu"
EnableViewState="False" >Previous</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtn1" runat="server" Visible="false" CssClass="topSubMenu" enableviewstate="false">1</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtn2" runat="server" Visible="false" CssClass="topSubMenu" enableviewstate="false">2</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtn3" runat="server" Visible="false" CssClass="topSubMenu" enableviewstate="false">3</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnNext" runat="server" CssClass="topSubMenu"
EnableViewState="False" >Next</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnShowPaging" runat="server" CssClass="topSubMenu"
EnableViewState="False" >Show All</asp:HyperLink>
<td align="right">
<b>Sort By:</b>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnHighestPrice" runat="server" CssClass="PagingLinks"
EnableViewState="False">Highest price</asp:HyperLink>
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnLowestPrice" runat="server" CssClass="PagingLinks"
EnableViewState="False">Lowest price</asp:HyperLink>
<div style="width: 800px">
<asp:DataList ID="dlstProductDetail" runat="server" RepeatDirection="Horizontal"
OnItemDataBound="dlstProductDetail_ItemDataBound" RepeatColumns="4"
<table class="ItemBorder" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr id="trTitle" runat="server" EnableViewState="false">
<td align="left" class="ItemTop" colspan="2" runat="server" id="tdView" onserverclick="tdView_Click" EnableViewState="false">
<asp:HyperLink ID="lbtnProductHeader" Width="100%" ForeColor="White" NavigateUrl="" runat="server" enableviewstate="false"></asp:HyperLink>
<td colspan="2" align="center" style="padding-top: 5px">
<asp:HyperLink ID="imgProducts" ToolTip='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ProductCode")%>' CssClass="ProductImage" runat="server" Height="100px" Width="100px" enableviewstate="false"></asp:HyperLink>
<td valign="top">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<td align="right">
<td style="width: 20px">
<td style="padding-top: 10px; width: *" align="right">
<span class="webprice" enableviewstate="false">£<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "WebPrice")%></span>
Summary : So we can use this mechanism to all binding controls.